
GEMS FOUNDERS SCHOOL- AL MIZHAR https://www.gemsfoundersschool-mizhar.com/

Job Description

Key Purpose
The post holder will lead, manage, and be accountable for tracking progress, considering curriculum planning, supporting the Behaviour for Learning Policy and speaking with parents to promote the fulfilment of the school’s vision:
As a member of the Extended Leadership Team, the post holder will be expected:
• to articulate a vision for their Key Stage in the context of the school’s ethos and vision
• to lead, manage, co-ordinate, maintain, develop, monitor and evaluate the progress made for children within their Key Stage
• to make a full contribution to the processes of planning, resource management, policy development and implementation across the school through the effective leadership and management of your specific Key Stage
• to make a full contribution to ensuring high expectations and standards in all aspects of school
• to work flexibly in supporting the day-to-day organisation and management of the school
• to be accountable to the relevant Senior Leader and ultimately the Principal/CEO
• to contribute to the school’s Performance Development Programme where appropriate
Aspects of the Role of Assistant Head Teacher
There are five aspects which enable the Key Purpose to be achieved:
• Promoting and ensuring student development, progress and well being
• Leading teaching and learning and managing policy within the context of the Year group
• Leading and managing people and teams
• Managing resources
• Promoting and representing the Key Stage
Promoting and Ensuring High Performance Learning at GFM

GFM is committed to providing a world-class education to its students, and thus the very best foundation in life that it can. We have therefore adopted the High Performance Learning framework and joined the international network of HPL schools
To be responsible for the promotion of a HPL by ensuring:
 The leadership of staff ensures the promotion of the High performance philosophy and framework as an attainable target for everyone.
 A teacher culture and performance (attitudes & practices).
 The improvement of learner outcomes (ACPs, VAAs, attainments)
 Support in the strategic programme of PD
 Supporting the development in the 20 characteristics in your phase of high performers in cognitive domains (ACPs) and 10 values, attitudes and attributes (VAAs).
 To promote and foster a professional community of practice amongst teachers.
 To support in the formal HPL accreditation process which confirms our compliance against the HPL World Class School standards.
Promoting and Ensuring Student Development, Progress and Well Being
To be responsible for the promotion of a positive climate for learning by ensuring:
• to support transition arrangements through the school
• a commitment to equal opportunities and student entitlement
• that the school code of conduct and dress code are adhered to
• that there is good behaviour in classrooms and around the school
• that the Key Stage has internal structures to promote positive behaviour and to manage disciplinary matters in liaison with the Student Welfare and House Team
• appropriate progress targets are set for the Key Stage in liaison with the Head of School
• the analysis and forecasting of trends, for example in attendance, attainment, assessment and marking to identify opportunities for improvement in liaison with the Head of School
• liaison with the ELT and SLT for the purpose of referral and review of individual cases
• a positive ethos which reflects a commitment by all teaching staff to high achievement, excellent behaviour, an effective climate for learning, good relationships and equality of opportunity for all
• that the evaluation of assessments and attainment routinely includes the views of students
• active observation of / participation in the activities of the Key Stage
• the promotion of student engagement in enrichment activities in liaison with the Student Welfare and House Team
• the development of proactive relationships with external agencies
• the leadership of Key Stage assemblies and the leadership and management of wider participation in such events, including participation of students in liaison with the Student Welfare and House Team
Leading teaching and learning and managing policy
Much of the work of the Head of Key Stage is involved with the tracking of progress and considering the needs of students to ensure that they progress in line with baseline expectations. In addition to this, the careful consideration of curriculum and the monitoring of behaviour through the Key Stage and in liaison with Heads of Subject Area, Head of Year and Heads of House is essential. Such provision needs to be planned for and evaluated. 
• effective liaison with Class and Form Tutors regarding the use of baseline data to inform teaching
• In liaison with Heads of Subject Areas a commitment to consistency and opportunities for innovation within the curriculum and an overarching monitoring role to ensure schemes of work appropriate
• contribution to the development of policies and systems which reflect the school’s commitment to high standards
• responsibility for appropriate, assessment, recording and reporting procedures for classroom activities in line with whole school policy in liaison with the Head of School
• that students are placed in appropriate class/tutor groups in line with school policy and procedures and be involved, where appropriate, in discussions regarding the placement of students in year groups in liaison with the Head of Student Welfare
• that arrangements are monitored for the setting of work in the Year group when teachers are absent
• Ensuring the consistency of Home Learning throughout the Key Stage is applied
• contribution to published materials
• the maintenance of accurate records of decisions, meetings, interviews and correspondence
• awareness of the dimensions of the wider curriculum and the opportunities for developing students in external and in school activities
Leading and Managing People and Teams
To be responsible for team and individual effectiveness and the professional growth of all members of the Key Stage by:
• developing a positive ethos which reflects a commitment by all class teachers/tutors to high achievement, excellent behaviour, an effective climate for learning, good relationships and equality of opportunity for all
• having an enthusiasm for tracking the progression of students which motivates and supports other staff and encourages a shared understanding of the contribution this can make to all aspects of students’ lives
• ensuring that the post holder provides a role model of high quality pastoral care and teaching and learning for all staff
• keeping abreast of current local, national and international developments in tracking progress and the dissemination of such information to the Key Stage thus encouraging team members to keep up to date with new educational developments and to incorporate such developments into their practice as appropriate
• initiating and leading Key Stage discussion on matters related to pastoral care in liaison with the Head of Student Welfare
• initiating and leading discussion on matters related to teaching and learning within Key Stage activities with the involvement of Head of Subject Areas
• coaching and delivering training to staff on a range of topics relevant to the work of the Key Stage
• establishing and maintaining the trust of the team, colleagues, the leadership group, support staff, students, parents/carers and governors
• identifying and minimising interpersonal conflict
• creating and maintaining effective and efficient means of communication with colleagues including formal feedback from staff on issues which affect the quality of tracking progress, development and the students’ well being
• planning for the deployment of staff to tutor groups in liaison with the Head of Student Welfare
• contributing to formal annual professional reviews within the school’s Performance Development Policy as appropriate
• identifying, developing and reviewing opportunities for individuals to gain broad experience and develop their skills, including through Performance Development Programme and other planned opportunities
• contributing towards the induction of all new members of staff including the supervision of NQTs in accordance with school policy
Promoting and Representing the Key Stage
The post holder will be responsible for the promotion and representation of the Key Stage to both the whole school and the wider community by:
• representing the Key Stage and supporting year groups at meetings including those dealing with progress, behaviour, assessment
• ensuring that the Principal, SLT, ELT, Staff and governors are well informed about Key Stage policies, plans and priorities and that these are incorporated into the School Development plan
• submitting information to aid the Principal in writing reports for a variety of audiences and the compilation of references for staff
• promoting a planned programme to enrich the learning objectives of the school
• developing effective links with the local community including parents/carers, business and industry
• playing an appropriate role within the school’s complaints procedure
• liaising with external agencies as appropriate
• working closely with other Heads of Key Stage to ensure high quality provision for tracking progress with students and ensuring that transitions between year groups are managed appropriately
Manage Finance and Resources
To be responsible for the effective use of resources by the Key Stage by ensuring that:
• any expenditure is efficiently planned, implemented and monitored
• the resources to support and improve the tracking of progress are identified, justified and procured
• costs are controlled and value for money maximised
• support staff time is deployed effectively
• accurate inventories are maintained


GEMS Education is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of its students and staff. A UK-enhanced DBS or equivalent police check is a pre-requisite for all appointments.

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Preferred Candidate

Career Level
Management – Manager Director of Staff


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About GEMS Education

Trusted for over 55 years and now a third generation education family, GEMS Education began in a single school room in Dubai. Today, we have the privilege of educating over 190,000 students from over 176 countries through GEMS owned and managed schools globally; over 270,000 students access resources through our services division; and we will impact 20 million by 2020 students through the initiatives of our Charity partner Varkey Foundation.