
GEMS WELLINGTON INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL – DUBAI https://www.wellingtoninternationalschool.com/

Job Description

We are excited to announce a new Assistant Headteacher role, created as part of our recent restructuring of the Sixth Form provision at our school.  Assistant Headteacher – Director of IBDP is responsible for developing and planning the development of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme at WIS, driving the delivery of the IBDP throughout Years 12 and 13. Reporting directly to the Head of Sixth Form, the role will be responsible for the welfare and academic counselling of students that choose the IBDP route, in conjunction with the Heads of Year. The role is also responsible for the leaders of Theory of Knowledge, the Extended Essay and the Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) programmes for IBDP students in line with the aims of WIS.  The role will also act as the direct line manager of the Senior Leader coordinating the IBCP programme.

Key Responsibilities include, but not limited to:

Programme Administration

  • Keep up to date with information from the IB, including the IBDP Coordinator notes
  • Keep complete records of IBDP publications on file and distribute them as necessary
  • Ensure that the WIS IBDP programme is being implemented and documented according to the handbook of procedures and assessment procedures for the IBDP
  • Archive records of IBDP subject overviews, and scope and sequence documents
  • Lead the process of developing and/or reviewing the IBDP scope and sequence documents and/or unit plans
  • Liaise with the Leadership Team to ensure that the school’s promotional materials include accurate information about the IBDP
  • Identify and make recommendations on the availability of facilities and purchase of suitable resources to support the delivery of the IBDP
  • Ensure that the WIS IBDP programme is being delivered according to all of the IB standards and practices
  • Prepare the budget for the maintenance of the IBDP programme, if applicable, including the training budget
  • Organise internal moderation/standardisation of IBDP work according to IBDP assessment criteria
  • Investigate, evaluate, initiate and implement new IBDP courses with the Head of Sixth Form
  • Ensure that appropriate student records are maintained
  • Organise internal assessment and the moderation of internal assessment, where necessary, according to IBDP criteria
  • Organise the formal procedures in preparation for moderation and certification
  • In conjunction with the Head of Sixth Form, Examinations Officer, and Heads of Year, organise the conduct of examinations, including mock examinations, speaking examinations and arrangements for visiting examiners – this includes any career related focus qualification that may be offered
  • Register students for IBDP examinations and career related study elements, in conjunction with the respective Heads of Department and Examinations Officer.
  • Recommend subjects to be included in the IBDP programme, based on student needs and interests for the basis of options and timetabling

Professional Development

  • Ensure that staff members are made aware of the IBDP professional development opportunities available
  • Make recommendations regarding IBDP training opportunities on and off site, and recommend IBDP staff as participants and/or leaders of IBDP workshops and curriculum development activities
  • Keep a record of workshops and school visits in order to achieve equality of opportunity and identify ongoing needs
  • Organise participation at IBDP workshops and IBDP professional development activities

Communication and Collaboration within the School Community


  • Ensure that information on the IBDP – its aims, objectives, requirements and assessment criteria – is communicated to students, parents, teachers, support staff and administrators
  • Contribute to the presentation and promotion of the IBDP for students, parents and departments through assisting with the organisation of events such as assemblies, activities, trips, public presentations, information sessions, publishing of articles, etc.
  • Promote a positive climate of collegiality and collaboration
  • Publish useful information on academic matters for parents and students through newsletters and other school publications.

Students and Parents

  • Liaise with the Head of Sixth Form, Directors, Curriculum & Subject leaders on student academic achievement and progress.
  • Monitor, communicate and review progress of all students on the IBDP programme.
  • Assist parents by collaborating with the Head of Sixth Form, Directors, Curriculum & Subject leaders and Heads of Year to ensure students are fulfilling academic requirements.
  • Organise, in conjunction with the Head of Sixth Form, the options process for Year 11 students coming into Year 12.
  • To be able to direct admissions and admission enquiries as appropriate so that students and parents are able to gain full knowledge of what is offered at WIS for students in Year 12 and 13.

IB Team

  • Set up systems for communication and collaboration among all staff members involved in delivering the IBDP programme
  • Circulate relevant information received from the IB and keep IBDP staff regularly informed of current developments
  • Provide advice and support to all IBDP staff regarding the delivery of the IBDP
  • Inform newly-appointed IBDP staff of all relevant aspects of the programme and provide training where appropriate
  • Provide the IBDP staff with outreach to the wider community of learners through such media as the MYIB, email contact with colleagues, school visits, etc.
  • Report to Directors, Subject Leaders, Curriculum Leaders and Heads of Year appropriate information about students who need support,monitoring and directing as appropriate.
  • Distribute the relevant sections of the assessment procedures for the IBDP annually
  • Inform all staff of the assessment and the procedures and deadlines for internal assessment
  • Provide feedback to staff concerning internal assessment
  • Prepare timelines for submission of work in time for its submission to the IB
  • Prepare timelines for submission of work to ensure student workload is manageable
  • Mentor, assisting and offering guidance to teachers.
  • Ensure that the IB Learner Profile is integrated through IBDP subject teaching

School Administration

  • Participate in the selection of IBDP staff, where appropriate
  • Ensure that the school administration is aware of constraints placed by the IBDP programme (such as due dates, required hours of instruction)
  • Provide details of IBDP timetabling needs
  • Report to the Head of Sixth Form on the effectiveness of professional development on the IBDP programme including goals and development

Communication and Collaboration outside the WIS Community

  • Handle communication with all relevant IB offices
  • Keep records of all correspondence with the IB, including forms, documents and reports
  • Prepare and submit any documentation required for authorisation and evaluation processes
  • Attend IBDP Coordinators workshops and meetings in the region
  • Ensure that all requirements and procedures set by the IB concerning the IBDP programme are adhered to
  • Ensure that IB deadlines and payments are met
  • Promote IBDP relationships between WIS and other IBDP schools in the region


  • Qualified Teacher Status (QTS)
  • A good honours degree and/or post-graduate qualification
  • Evidence of ongoing personal and professional development as a teacher and/or leader
  • Evidence of developing others through mentoring/coaching

Desirable Qualifications:

  • Post-graduate degree in an appropriate area


  • Some experience of leading teams
  • Experience leading Quality Assurance and Quality Improvement processes
  • Experience in mapping curriculum content and skill development
  • Proven track record of planning, implementing, and managing change
  • Leadership experience in at least two phases within an international school setting
  • Experience working in an international setting with knowledge of the DSIB inspection framework and UAE National Agenda

Professional Skills and Knowledge:

  • Ability to think and plan strategically to promote vision, ethos, and values
  • Knowledge of pedagogy to achieve student progress
  • Understanding of best practice across the primary curriculum
  • Ability to tackle difficult situations with empathy and sensitivity
  • In-depth knowledge of the wider educational agenda, including current national policies and trends
  • Strong interpersonal skills, adaptable to different situations and capable of managing professional relationships

Educational Philosophy and Understanding:

  • Clear drive and motivation for all students to achieve and exceed their potential
  • Willingness to support the vision for GEMS Wellington International School
  • Understanding of current educational issues and developments within your leadership area and the UAE
  • Growth mindset, both personally and for student potential
  • Solution-oriented thinker
  • Emotionally intelligent, able to empathise with individual perspectives

GEMS Education is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all of its students and staff. A UK-enhanced DBS or equivalent police check is a pre-requisite for all appointments.

Apply Now

Preferred Candidate

Career Level
Management – Manager Director of Staff


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About GEMS Education

Trusted for over 55 years and now a third generation education family, GEMS Education began in a single school room in Dubai. Today, we have the privilege of educating over 190,000 students from over 176 countries through GEMS owned and managed schools globally; over 270,000 students access resources through our services division; and we will impact 20 million by 2020 students through the initiatives of our Charity partner Varkey Foundation.